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morgans bunting

Are you a dab-hand with a sewing machine?


Friends of Morgans are looking for volunteers to help with a fun recycling project – turning unwanted school uniform into some everlasting bunting in school colours! Please share with grandparents, friends, anyone who loves to sew!


We will supply material to anyone who in interested in making some fabric triangles for us to sew into school colours everlasting bunting. Please email to register your interest and we will give you a bunting pack.




Download, print out and cut around our free bunting template – choose borderless printing so they’re all the same size.


Cutting out

Step 1

Download, print out and cut around our free bunting template above – choose borderless printing so they’re all the same size.

Step 2

Carefully draw around the paper template onto some card and cut out (this will make a stronger template that can be used over and over again).

Step 3

Using the template draw (on the wrong side of the fabrics) and cut out enough flags for the front and back of the bunting (two for each flag, one design for the front and a different design for the back).

Step 4

With right sides facing pin together a front and back for each flag.


Stitching the flags

Step 1

Using a ¼ inch seam and backstitching at the beginning & end (to secure stitches) sew along the two long sides of each flag (leave the top seam open) and snip the threads.

Step 2

Take out the pins and snip a little off the point to reduce bulk (do not cut too near the stitches).

Step 3

Turn the flags right way out, carefully poke out the point and press flat. Repeat this process to make the other flags.


Detailed instructions can be found here:

Things to Make and Do - Make Reversible Fabric Bunting (

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